Fundamentals of Hydrogen for Electric Power Generation

Course Description: Use of hydrogen in electric power generation has recently gained a lot of attention in the market as a sustainable and clean form of fuel for energy needs. Hydrogen has some unique properties which are important to understand when considering the transition from the traditional diesel standby generator to hydrogen fuel cells. This course will explain the fundamental advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen in electric power generation. The course is free of charge.

Objectives: After this course, you will be able to:
1. Explain why there is so much interest in hydrogen for energy production.
2. Identify basic principles of hydrogen production methods and storage techniques.
3. Explain the affect hydrogen has on performance/ emissions in internal combustion engines.
4. State the basic concepts and application suitability of various fuel cell technologies.

Delivery Method: Live

Internal Course Code: Hydrogen

Duration: 1h

HSW Compatible: No

Point of Contact Name: Customer Service

Point of Contact Email:

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